Accel Revenue




We know that every business needs uplifting in its nascent days and for that we are here to provide you with all the financial support when you need the most!  what bliss it is to witness you and your business prosper! You need not to trade your  beloved holdings or get buried under heaps of credits to materialize your business ideas ! If your business has that potential to soar to the new highs, we are all in to give you all the support you need!

Features of our Solution

  • 1

Lower Fees

We charge lower success fees than other revenue financing platforms.

  • 2

Fast Application Process

We provide a streamlined application process, enabling quick access to funding without lengthy delays.

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Forge Alliance with other Founders

We enable you to establish strategic partnerships with other enrolled companies for mutual growth.

  • 4

Access to a Diverse Investor Network

Our diverse investor network opens up opportunities for companies from various industries to connect with investors who have a specific interest in their sector.

  • 5

Value Added Services

We offer mentorship programs, business development support, and access to a network of industry experts for the enrolled companies.

  • 6

Investor Matchmaking and Relationship Building

We organize networking events and facilitate introductions to foster long-term relationships between companies and investors beyond the funding stage.

  • 7

Flexible Repayment Structure

We offer flexible repayment terms based on a percentage of the company's revenue, adapting to its financial performance.

  • 8

Scalable Financing

We offer scalable financing options, allowing companies to access additional funds as their revenue grows, supporting their expansion plans.

  • 9

Support for Niche Industries

We cater to companies across niche industries, ensuring access to funding for businesses that otherwise find it difficult to obtain.

Frequenty Asked


D2C startups: Direct-to-consumer brands and eCommerce businesses that generate at least 10 lakhs in monthly revenues.

Exhibition Organisers: Companies having earned at least INR 1.2 Cr per event for the past 3 events of the same edition having a CAGR of 12-13%.

OTT Producers:

  • We only accept production houses whose movies have been sold to Rights buyers.
  • Type of movie- Small/Mid. Additionally, we also look at the progress of the movie.
  • The number of movies in the pipeline.

Revenue-based financing provides funding without requiring equity dilution, offering a flexible repayment structure based on a percentage of revenue.

The application and approval process for revenue-based financing is typically faster than traditional methods, with funding being disbursed within weeks rather than months.

Yes, we often offer scalability, allowing companies to access additional funding as their revenue increases, supporting their growth plans.

Revenue-based financing allows flexibility in the use of funds, providing companies with the freedom to allocate resources as needed for business growth and development.

Repayments are calculated based on a percentage of your revenues, allowing you to secure funding ranging from INR 5 lakhs to INR 3 crores, depending on your business performance and specific needs.

The percentage applied varies according to your business requirements, the capital raised, and your past business performance. This range can span from 5% to 20%.

After completing a quick online application that takes less than 2 minutes, we will respond to you within 24 hours. The entire process, from submitting the application to securing the funds, is completed within 14 days.

Get in Touch

Rest assured, the information you provide will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.

Your responses will help us understand your startup better and match you with potential investors who align with your vision and goals. We appreciate your time and look forward to supporting your fundraising journey.