Accel Revenue


Unlock Funding Potential

Connect with Investors, Even if You're Just Starting

We connect startups with investors, even those that have just started and do not have any revenue. We leverage cutting-edge technology to match startups with investors who are a good fit for their industry, stage, and needs. Our tailored approach ensures that startups get the funding they need to grow and succeed. Through exclusive networking events, founders can collaborate with like-minded peers who have also joined forces with us. We organize dynamic pitching events where startups can showcase their ideas to a curated audience of investors. Our dedicated team provides thorough due diligence reports, empowering investors to make informed decisions. Join us today and unlock your startup's true funding potential.

What do we do

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Mapping Start-ups to the Right Investors

We use a powerful tool to match start-ups with investors who are a good fit for their specific needs and goals. We consider factors such as industry, stage of development, and investment preferences.

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Networking Opportunities for Start-ups

We host networking events where start-ups can connect with other founders, investors, and industry experts. These events provide a great opportunity for start-ups to learn from each other, build relationships, and find potential partners.

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Pitching Events for Start-ups

We organize pitching events where start-ups can present their businesses to a curated audience of investors. These events give start-ups a chance to gain exposure, receive feedback, and secure potential investment deals.

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Due Diligence Support for Investors

We provide investors with comprehensive due diligence reports on start-ups they are interested in. These reports cover key aspects such as market analysis, financial projections, team evaluation, competitive landscape, and risk assessment.

Get in Touch

Rest assured, the information you provide will be treated with the utmost confidentiality.

Your responses will help us understand your startup better and match you with potential investors who align with your vision and goals. We appreciate your time and look forward to supporting your fundraising journey.